Case studies and past work

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Portland trail blazers and Moda Center

The Portland Trail Blazers have been long recognized as the most sustainable sports organization on the planet. The Moda Center was registered as LEED – Gold by the USGBC, a mark that remains the highest for all existing venues in the sports and entertainment industry.  The Trail Blazers have either initiated, advanced or inspired major environmental and social programs, regionally, domestically and globally, including the founding of the Green Sports Alliance.



  • Become the most sustainable sports and entertainment organization in the world

  • Become the first U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) LEED Certified existing building in professional sports

  • Develop a Corporate Sustainability Charter that ensures the organization is one of the sustainability leaders of all businesses globally




Pioneers of Sustainability Role:

  • Lead Trail Blazers’ efforts in achieving vision and goals, as the Senior Director of Sustainability and Public Affairs

  • Identified initiatives, projects and campaigns necessary to achieve the vision/goals

  • Developed Corporate Sustainability Charter

  • Conducted corporate sustainability assessments and establish Scope III carbon footprint analysis

  • Managed LEED project


Green sports alliance

The Green Sports Alliance is the most progressive and influential environmental non-profit within the global sports and entertainment industry. The Alliance has inspired a global movement, recognized as a key component in the United Nations – Sustainable Development Goals. The organization publicly launched in 2010, starting with 10 founding members and now represents over 400 stakeholders.



  • Create a non-profit that enables the sports industry in North America to address climate change

  • Leverage sports industry to create healthier, more sustainable communities where we live and play

  • Advance ecologically better practices by convening industry stakeholders, developing programs and providing resources

  • Educate hundreds of millions of fans to take action on climate change



  • Professional Sports Teams, Leagues and Venues

  • White House, Elected Officials and Public Agencies

  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

  • Department of Energy (DOE)

  • Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)

  • Private-sector


Pioneers of Sustainability Role:

  • Co-founded the organization, served on the Board of Directors and led the organization as the Executive Director

  • Advanced environmental programs and campaigns

  • Produced annual conference, the largest and most influential sports and environment convening on the planet

  • Advised leagues, teams and venues on environmental performance and climate change

  • Established a national Green Sports Day in collaboration with President Barack Obama


planled AND SHINE

Planled is an innovative lighting company whose mission is to improve human life while reducing carbon. In partnership with the New York Yankees and Mariano Rivera, Planled retrofitted Yankee Stadium with LED human-centric lighting and launched SHINE, a community engagement platform. Together, they have educated millions of people in the New York market and invested in multiple Bronx schools, providing LED human-centric lighting to classrooms.



  • Implement human-centric LED sports lighting systems that enhance the game experience and advance environmental programs

  • Develop a community engagement program that educates and inspires changes to traditional indoor and outdoor lighting systems

  • Catalyst for massive-scale adoption of next generation LED human-centric lighting in North America




Pioneers of Sustainability Role:

  • Supported Planled, as the Executive Director of the Green Sports Alliance

  • Supported the development of SHINE – a community engagement platform that invests in public school lighting projects

  • Furthered adoption of human-centric lighting through national promotion and communication


Zero-Waste: Recycling and composting Greendrop

GreenDrop Recycling and Composting Stations are innovative solutions to achieving zero-waste goals. These stations were created by the Portland Trail Blazers to be utilized at the Moda Center and Veterans Memorial Coliseum, enabling the organization to achieve zero-waste. The stations were used as a platform for fan engagement, educating the public on how to effectively recycle and compost. GreenDrop stations are now supporting zero-waste goals across the country and found in arenas, stadiums, colleges, airports, schools, restaurants, golf courses, festivals and other facilities.



  • Develop a waste and recycling container solution that supports the goals and strategies of zero-waste

  • Install a waste and recycling station that enables fan and employee engagement

  • Develop a solution that can be utilized by others in the sports and entertainment industry, as well as other industries



  • Portland Trail Blazers

  • Moda Center

  • City of Portland

  • Elected Officials and Regional Government Agencies

  • Pacific Cascade Corporation

  • Portland State University


Pioneers of Sustainability Role:

  • Managed and led this project, as the Senior Director - Sustainability and Public Affairs, Portland Trail Blazers

  • Developed, designed, invented and achieved U.S. Patent for the recycling stations

  • Identified and contracted with local manufacturing and sales partners

  • Conducted University studies to identify optimal messaging for public engagement

  • Supported the sales and marketing efforts of selling GreenDrop

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Zero-Waste: Compostable Serviceware Natureworks & Stalk Market

In partnership with NatureWorks and Stalk Market, the Portland Trail Blazers advanced their visionary goal of zero-waste by replacing all serviceware with compostables at the Moda Center, while advancing regional composting infrastructure. Not only did the Moda Center achieve zero-waste (90% landfill diversion) within two years (at program launch, the diversion rate was 48%), their efforts resulted in scalable impacts with hundreds of businesses adopting composting operations and instituting similar purchasing policies. These efforts enhanced the fan experience, reduced operating costs, improved environmental performance, and supported regional climate action plans.



  • Implement strategies to achieve the zero-waste goals at the Moda Center

  • Mitigate the carbon footprint impacts associated with single-use food and beverage containers (cups, plates, straws, etc.)

  • Develop environmentally preferred purchasing policies that minimize the volume of traditional plastics and enable composting

  • Support regional infrastructure developments that enable large-scale composting operations



  • Portland Trail Blazers

  • Moda Center

  • City of Portland, Elected Officials and Regional Government Agencies

  • NatureWorks

  • Stalk Market

  • Republic Services


Pioneers of Sustainability Role:

  • Managed and led this project, as the Senior Director - Sustainability and Public Affairs, Portland Trail Blazers

  • Worked with regional stakeholders to advance composting infrastructure

  • Implemented shift to all compostable serviceware products

  • Developed fan engagement campaigns to promote composting

  • Developed employee programs and training that increased food-waste composting operations in front-of-house and back-of-house

  • Partnered with NatureWorks to promote the success of this project within the sports and entertainment industry which provided a gateway for additional venues to adopt these practices - further amplifying the environmental impacts.

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transportation: transit, Electric-vehicle and bike infrastructure

Mitigating the environmental impacts of transportation, the Portland Trail Blazers supported the development of both regional infrastructure and fan and employee engagement programs to advance the alternatives to traditional vehicle travel. Their effort was credited by regional stakeholders as a major influencer in addressing the climate impacts of transportation. Fan and guest utilization of public transportation increased from 12% to nearly 60% (employees, from 29% to over 80%). Within two years, their on-site EV charging stations went from 20% utilization to full-capacity and bike parking increased from 20 to nearly 200 per event. Over 1,000 fans participated in “Bike to Blazers” events.



  • Mitigate the carbon footprint impacts associated with fan, guest and employee travel to the Moda Center (the largest carbon impact)

  • Develop and enhance public transit, EV and biking programs to increase utilization rates

  • Develop fan and employee engagement programs

  • Support increased investments to pubic infrastructure



  • Portland Trail Blazers

  • Moda Center

  • City of Portland, Elected Officials and Regional Government Agencies

  • Tri-Met (Public Transit Authority) and Portland Streetcar

  • Christenson Electric

  • ECOtality and Blink Charging Network

  • Bicycle Transportation Alliance and Bike Portland


Pioneers of Sustainability Role:

  • Managed and led this project, as the Senior Director - Sustainability and Public Affairs, Portland Trail Blazers

  • Worked with regional stakeholders to advance light-rail and streetcar infrastructure and developments

  • Developed fan engagement campaigns and employee programs to promote the use of public transportation, EV’s and bikes

  • Instituted “Bike to Blazers” games

  • Installed over 30 EV charging stations at the Moda Center campus, the largest number of charging stations on one-site available for public use in the region

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100% clean Energy: renewable energy

The Trail Blazers became the first professional sports team to off-set 100% of their energy consumption through renewable energy certificates and the first private organization in Oregon to invest in a specific project. The investment is credited for advancing a 10MW wind-energy facility, connecting Oregon residents in supplying 100% clean energy, and enabling a local farm to generate enough energy to run the operations of their dairy facility. The Trail Blazers reduced their carbon footprint by nearly 50% through these investments.



  • Mitigate the environmental impacts associated with energy consumption of the Moda Center

  • Support regional renewable clean-energy projects

  • Advance fan engagement and community outreach programs that increase support for 100% clean energy investments



  • Portland Trail Blazers

  • Moda Center

  • Pacific Power

  • BayWa Chopin Wind Project

  • Northwest Natural Gas

  • Elected Officials and Regional Government Agencies


Pioneers of Sustainability Role:

  • Managed and led this project, as the Senior Director - Sustainability and Public Affairs, Portland Trail Blazers

  • Worked with utilities to off-set 100% of energy consumption, investing in a regional wind-energy farm and waste-to-energy project in Oregon

  • Supported the development of fan engagement campaigns that promoted public participation in renewable energy programs

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Clean air & Water: tree planting & restoration

In partnership with Friends of Trees and The Daimler Group, the Trail Blazers developed a community engagement program that commits to planting three trees for every three-point field goal made by the team. Over the first four years of this program, the campaign planted over 15,000 trees and restored the Sandy River Delta riparian wetland back to its pre-dam condition. The planting of native oaks and shrubs has created habitat for threatened fish and birds, has curbed the incursion of non-native plant species and native wildlife has returned to the Delta to live and breed for the first time in years.



  • Develop a community engagement platform that enables fans to participate in mitigating climate change

  • Align the Daimler brand with an environmental program to bolster positive brand image in the region

  • Secure sustainable funding for tree-planting efforts in the region



  • Portland Trail Blazers

  • The Daimler Group

  • Friends of Trees

  • Elected Officials and Regional Government Agencies


Pioneers of Sustainability Role:

  • Supported in the development of this program and public-facing campaign, as the Senior Director - Sustainability and Public Affairs, Portland Trail Blazers

  • Assessed and identified the partners and projects that the initial program would fund and support

  • Worked with Friends of Trees to identify the Sandy River Delta restoration project

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Healthy, sustainable food: Smart Catch

Smart Catch is a sustainable seafood program developed to increase demand for environmentally-responsible sourced products, while supporting restaurant owners and chefs. Through Smart Catch, chefs have a chance to use their influence to lead industry efforts to maintain healthy, sustainable food sources both for now and for future generations. The Smart Catch program has launched nationally by the James Beard Foundation and has over 500 participating restaurants.



  • Create a program that increases supply and demand forces for the sustainable seafood supply chain

  • Provide education, training and support to restaurant owners and chefs so they can serve seafood fished or farmed in environmentally-responsible ways

  • Develop a seal that give consumers a simple way to identify and support restaurants that are doing the right thing



  • Vulcan, Inc. Philanthropy

  • Packard, Moore, Walton and James Beard Foundation

  • Marine Stewardship Council

  • Seattle Chef’s Collaborative

  • Seattle and Monterey Bay Aquariums

  • Sustainable Fisheries Partnership


Pioneers of Sustainability Role:

  • Spearheaded the project as the Senior Project Developer - Philanthropic Campaigns, Vulcan Inc.

  • Convened the partners and stakeholder group

  • Established the goals of the program, secured support and funding

  • Developed the pilot program in Seattle


lloyd ecodistrict

The Lloyd EcoDistrict is the first recognized eco-district in the United States, a living laboratory for sustainability, pioneering collaborative community-scale solutions for social and environmental health. Since the launch, the district has seen GHG emissions reduced by roughly 14 percent despite an increase in energy use in 2017 from the 2010 baseline. The median ENERGY STAR Score for Lloyd EcoDistrict is 83, whereas the Portland median ENERGY STAR Score is 73.



  • Develop the first Eco-District in the State of Oregon and become the most sustainable neighborhood in North America

  • Develop a living laboratory for sustainability, pioneering collaborative community-scale solutions for social and environmental health

  • Bring together residents, organizations and businesses to educate, set goals, aggregate resources and catalyze actions



  • Lloyd Business Improvement District

  • Go Lloyd (district transportation management association)

  • Lloyd District Community Association

  • Lloyd District Businessess

  • City of Portland and Mayor’s Office

  • Portland Development Commission

  • Elected Officials and Regional Government Agencies


Pioneers of Sustainability Role:

  • Co-founder of the Lloyd EcoDistrict, serving as the Vice-President of the Board of Directors

  • Supported the development of the initiative and programs

  • Worked with local stakeholders to recruit members, secure funding and hire staff

  • In partnership with Corix Utilities, installed a fan interactive zone inside the Moda Center (aka “Living Wall”) and implemented a fan engagement platform with the Portland Trail Blazers

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Business Climate Declarations

The Business Climate Declarations were developed to illustrate the business community’s strong support for taking action to address climate change. Developed as a rolling call to action, urging the public, policymakers and other business leaders to seize the opportunity to advance economic and energy security by tackling climate change, the Trail Blazers and Seatte Seahawks became the first professional sports team to join.



  • Become the first professional sports teams to join Business for Innovative Climate and Energy Policy (BICEP) and sign the business climate declaration, joining other Fortune 100 leaders

  • Align Trail Blazers Sustainability Charter in support of a national movement and the campaigns organized by the private-sector

  • Advance an Oregon and Washington Business Climate Declaration



  • Portland Trail Blazers

  • Ceres and BICEP

  • Private-Sector Leaders

  • Moda Health

  • Oregon Environmental Council

  • Elected Officials and Regional Government Agencies


Pioneers of Sustainability Role:

  • Managed and led this project, as the Senior Director - Sustainability and Public Affairs, Portland Trail Blazers

  • Supported Ceres/BICEP in drafting the national climate declaration

  • Organized and co-founded a regional business group (Northwest Business for Climate Action), alongside Moda Health CEO, to organize regional efforts around climate change

  • Supported the development and drafting of the Oregon Business Climate Declaration

  • Furthered support for these efforts, leading the Seattle Seahawks and Vulcan to join BICEP/sign the national climate declaration and supported the development of a Washington State Business Climate Declaration.


racing extinction

The documentary created massive-scale awareness and became the most watched environmental documentary in the history of film. The action plans have advanced protection of several species, including manta rays and sharks. The “Start with One Thing” campaign has successfully encouraged people to change habits to ensure the survival of species for further generations.



  • Support production of this 2015 documentary about the ongoing Anthropogenic mass extinction of species

  • Leverage the influence of this film to advance the actions needed to mitigate climate change

  • Mitigate global warming, carbon emissions, illegal wildlife trade and advance environmental solutions



  • Vulcan, Inc. Philanthropy

  • Vulcan, Inc. Productions

  • Director Louie Psihoyos

  • Discovery Channel

  • United Nations

  • Tesla

  • World Wildlife Fund


Pioneers of Sustainability Role:

  • Supported this project as the Senior Project Developer - Philanthropic Campaigns, Vulcan Inc.

  • Advanced the development of the social action plans

  • Advanced the development of the awareness campaigns